Wednesday 28 October 2015

Bunch 'O drawings

Escape from the Inferno

Varrinkhan (My new species)

My wolf oc Zeo

Attack from the sky

Realistic Wolf

Baby Dragon
My three wolf ocs. Green wolf: Toxin, blue wolf: River, yellow wolf, Volt

Sunday 27 September 2015

Star Cave

This is my fox-wolf Zara.

Fiery Peace (Art Trade)

I had an art trade with BlazeyBunnyArtwork on DA, I had the pleasure to draw her really cool character Peri, and she drew my character Neo in this most beautiful drawing!
Here is her side of the trade.
And here is the reference she used.

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Monday 21 September 2015

Thursday 17 September 2015

Nocturnal Flame

I experimented with shading for this piece, I'm really proud of it!

Capital Ablaze

This is kind of a mk. 2 of my Cyborg Wolf piece (You won't find it on either my DeviantArt or here, I took it off) Except much, much better (:

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Jasmine the Dragon

I was playing with Photoshop brushes here, I am so proud of this one!

If you haven't subscribed please do!
And also, if you like this drawing then please like it on Facebook!
I will not draw anything over thirteen!